Publications | Julkaisut

 Publications in preparation (26.3.2024)

  • Kuittinen, M., Pihkala, P. & Lehtinen, S. 2024. "Architecture: Cause or cure for eco-anxiety?" (in review)
  • Lehtinen, S. 2024. "Environmental Aesthetics and Art in the Age of Extractivism", Sculpture on a Burning Planet. ed. Andy Best-Dunkley. University of Fine Arts Helsinki.
  • Lehtinen, S. & Pelowski, M. (in preparation). “Cognitive and Aesthetic Effects of Elements of Natural Greenery in Art Museum Spaces”, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts.
  • Lehtinen, S. & Fantini van Ditmar, D. (in preparation). "5G Aesthetics: Hidden in Plain Sight", Places Journal.

Recent editorial works (26.3.2024)


A Peer-reviewed scientific articles

  1. Lehtinen, S. 2024 (in press). "Philosophical Urban Aesthetics", Aesthetics and the City, eds. A. Barron & J. Blakey (Univ. of Manchester). London: Routledge.
  2. Lehtinen, S. 2024. "Aesthetic Values in the Maintenance of Urban Technologies", Keeping Things Going: Maintenance and the Philosophy of Technology, eds. Mark Thomas Young (Univ. Vienna) & Mark Coeckelbergh (Univ. Vienna), London: Routledge, pp. 264–278.
  3. Lehto, A. & Lehtinen, S. 2023 (in press). "The New Aesthetics of Circular Architecture", Architectural Thinking in a Climate Emergency, eds. J. B. Brown & S. Pelsmakers. London: Routledge.
  4. Wittinsglow, R. & Lehtinen, S. 2024. "The Use of Light Installations in Architectural Reconstruction: New Technological Solutions for the Public Sphere", Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Architectural Reconstruction, eds. L. Giombini & Z. Somhegyi, London: Routledge.
  5. Paananen, V., Kuosmanen, E., Lehtinen, S. & Hosio, S. 2024 (in press). "'See the Place with Different Eyes': Fostering Empathy by Communicating Spatial Experience", Media Architecture Biennale 2023 MAB23 Proceedings.
  6. Lehtinen, S., Strandhagen, B. & Tainio, M. 2023. “Revisiting the Urban Sublime”, Applying Aesthetics to Everyday Life. Methodologies, History, and New Directions, eds. Lisa Giombini & Adrian Kvokacka. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 103–115.
  7. Lehtinen, S. 2023. "Aesthetic Choice in the Age of Climate Awareness", Oxford Handbook of Mental Health and Contemporary Western Aesthetics, eds. M. Poltrum, M. Musalek, K. Galvi & Y. Saito, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  8. Lehtinen, S. 2023. "Recognising the relevance of aesthetics in the study of sustainable consumption: A commentary on ‘To the cultural turn and back again’ by Anastasia Loukianov", Consumption and Society. 2, 1, pp. 161–163.
  9. Lehtinen, S. 2022. “Urban Experience as Aesthetic Compromise”, Imperfectionist Aesthetics in Art and Everyday Life, ed. Peter Cheyne. London: Routledge, pp. 363–374.
  10. Lehtinen, S. & Fantini van Ditmar, D. 2022. ”Introduction: The Rise of 5G”, in Mediapolis: A journal of Cities and Culture. 7, 3.
  11. Lehtinen, S. 2021. "Kaupunkiluonto ja luonnon kauneuden muuttuva myytti", Ihminen osana elonkirjoa: Luontosuhteet, luontokäsitykset ja sivistys kestävyyskriisin aikakaudella, eds. Risto Haverinen, Kirsikka Mattila, Aleksi Neuvonen, Rinna Saramäki, Otso Sillanaukee. Helsinki: SITRA Finnish Innovation Fund, pp. 131–142.
  12. Soininen, N., Raymond, C. M., Tuomisto, H., Ruotsalainen, L., Thorén, H., Horcea-Milcu, A.-I., Stojanovic, M., Lehtinen, S., Mazac, R., Lamuela, C., Korpelainen, N., Vainio, A., Toivanen, R., McPhearson, T. & Nagatsu, M. 2021. "Bridge over troubled water: Managing compatibility and conflict among thought collectives in sustainability science", Sustainability Science.
  13. Capdevila-Werning, R. & Lehtinen, S. 2021. "A First Approach to Intergenerational Aesthetics: Theoretical Stakes, Practical Examples, and Future Research Avenues", European Society for Aesthetics ESA Conference Proceedings, vol. 13 (2021) pp. 43–58.
  14. Lehtinen, S. 2021. "Another Look at the City: Emphasizing Temporality in Urban Aesthetics", Everydayness: Contemporary Aesthetic Approaches, eds. Adrian Kvokacka & Lisa Giombini, Roma Tre Press & University of Prešov, Faculty of Arts, pp. 31–42.
  15. Lehtinen, S. 2021. "Urban Aesthetics and Technology", Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Technology, ed. S. Vallor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 449–469.
  16. Lehtinen, S. 2021. ”Aesthetic Sustainability”, Situating Sustainability: A Handbook of Contexts and Concepts, eds. R. Toivanen & P. Krieg, Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, pp. 255–268.
  17. Capdevila-Werning, R. & Lehtinen, S. 2021. "Intergenerational Aesthetics: A Future-Oriented Approach to Aesthetic Theory and Practice", Philosophical Inquiries, vol 9, no. 2 (special issue “Philosophy of Art. New Directions”, eds. E. Caldarola & J. Levinson), pp. 175–198.
  18. Lehtinen, S. & Vihanninjoki, V. 2021. ”Aesthetic Perspectives on Urban Technologies: Conceptualizing and Evaluating the Technology-Driven Changes in the Urban Experience”, in Technology and the City: Towards a Philosophy of Urban Technologies, eds. M. Nagenborg, M. G. Woge, T. Stone & P. Vermaas. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 13–25.
  19. Lehtinen, S. 2020. "Living with Everyday Technologies", ESPES, vol. 9 no. 2, pp. 81–89.
  20. Lehtinen, S. 2020. ”An Intergenerational Approach to Urban Futures: Introducing the Concept of Aesthetic Sustainability”, in Moving from Landscapes to Cityscapes and Back: Theoretical and Applied Approaches to Human Environments, eds. A. Haapala, B. Frydryczak & M. Salwa. Lodz: Przypis1, pp. 111–119.
  21. Lehtinen, S. 2020. “Buildings as Objects of Care in the Urban Environment”, in Aesthetics in Dialogue: Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World, eds. Z. Somhegyi & M. Ryynänen, Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 223–236.
  22. Lehtinen, S. 2019. ”New Public Monuments: Urban Environmental Art And Everyday Aesthetic Experience”, Open Philosophy 2 (1): Topical issue "Does Public Art Have to Be Bad Art?" (ed. Mark Kingwell), pp. 30–38.
  23. Lehtinen, S. & Vihanninjoki, V. 2019. “Seeing New in the Familiar: Intensifying Aesthetic Engagement with the City through New Location-Based Technologies”, Behaviour & Information Technology 2019, (8 pages).
  24. Mladenovic, M., Lehtinen, S., Soh, E. & Martens, K. 2019. “Emerging Urban Mobility Technologies through the Lens of Everyday Urban Aesthetics: Case of Self-Driving Vehicle”, Essays in Philosophy 20(2): Topical issue “The Philosophical Dimensions of Urban Transportation” (ed. Shane Epting), (25 pages).
  25. Vihanninjoki, V. & Lehtinen, S. 2019. “Moving in the Metropolis: Smart City Solutions and the Urban Everyday Experience”, in Architecture and the Smart City, eds. S. Figueiredo, S. Krishnamurthy & T. Schröder. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 210–220.
  26. Haapala, A., Lehtinen, S. & Vihanninjoki, V. 2019. ”Urban Aesthetics in Motion” in 21st International Congress of Aesthetics, Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics: Aesthetics Between History, Geography and Media, eds. Jankovic, N., Drobnjak, B. & Nikolic, M. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, pp. 143–144.
  27. Lehtinen, S. 2017. ”Future Definitions of Everyday Environments”, in ICA2016 ‘Aesthetics and Mass Culture’, 20th International Congress of Aesthetics proceedings publication. Seoul: Korean Society for Aesthetics, pp. 645–649.
  28. Lehtinen, S. 2015. “Personal Space and the Everyday Aesthetic Experience – Boundaries and Definitions”, in Performing Cultures, ed. Jakub Petri. Krakow: Libron, pp. 147–154.

B Unrefereed scientific articles

  1. Lehtinen, S. 2021. "Book review on Philosophical Perspectives on Ruins, Monuments, and Memorials, (2019 Routledge, eds. J. Bicknell, J. Judkins & C. Korsmeyer)", British Journal of Aesthetics, vol. 61, issue 4, pp. 596–599.

  2. Lehtinen, S. 2020. "Editorial Introduction to the Topical Issue on Philosophy of the City", Open Philosophy, 3(1), pp. 730–735.

  3. Lehtinen, S. 2020. "Editorial Introduction to the Special Volume on Urban Aesthetics", in "Special Volume on Urban Aesthetics", Contemporary Aesthetics, Special vol. 8.

  4. Lehtinen, S. 2020. “Shifting Sensibilities: Architecture and the Aesthetics of the City”, invited contribution to Special Issue “Aesthetics and Architecture” (ed. Aurosa Alison) in Mimesis: Scenari No. 12, pp. 89–106.

  5. Kuisma, O., Lehtinen, S. & Mäcklin, H. 2019. “Introduction”, in Paths from the Philosophy of Art to Everyday Aesthetics, eds. O. Kuisma, S. Lehtinen & H. Mäcklin. Helsinki: Finnish Society for Aesthetics, pp. 9–18.

  6. Lehtinen, S. 2018. ”Ympäristöfilosofi ilmastopoliittisen päätöksenteon ja toivon asialla – Haastattelussa Andrew Light”, Niin & näin, 25:4, pp. 102–107 (6 pages). (Title in English: ”Environmental philosopher in the quest for climate policy and hope – Interview with Andrew Light”)

  7. Lehtinen, S. 2018. ”Narvan monet näyttämöt”, Kulttuurilehti Mustekala. (Title in English: The Many stages of Narva)

  8. Lehtinen, S. 2018. “Olosuhteiden armoilla: Taidetta helteisessä kaupunkimaisemassa”, Kulttuurilehti Mustekala. (Title in English: On the Mercy of the Conditions: Art in the Sweltering Urban Landscape)

  9. Lehtinen, S. 2018. “Book Review: Bruce B. Janz (ed.) Place, Space and Hermeneutics (2017)”, Phenomenological Reviews.

  10. Lehtinen, S. 2017. ”Kirja-arvio: Lääkettä ympäristöhuoleen: Liisa Heikkilä-Palo, Yrjö Sepänmaa, Virpi Kaukio (toim.): Vihreä päänsärky (2017)”, Niin & näin, 24:4, pp. 138–139. (Title in English: Book Review: Medicine for the Environmental Worry: Liisa Heikkilä-Palo, Yrjö Sepänmaa, Virpi Kaukio (eds.): Green Headache (2017))

  11. Lehtinen, S. 2015. “Falling Trees: Contemporary Artistic Interpretations of Nature”, Creative Processes in Art, eds. A. R. Ferreira & A. Nolasco, Lisbon: University of Lisbon, pp. 129–137.

  12. Lehtinen, Sanna 2014. “Recreational Value of Forests: Perspectives to Aesthetic and Environmental Engagement" (in Chinese, translated. by Zhao Qing, summary in English), Journal of Poyang Lake 5, 4, pp. 110–113.

  13. Lehtinen, S. 2013. “Kirja-arvio: Kaupunkeja, elämää ja estetiikkaa: Anne-Mari Forss ja Tarja Rannisto (toim.): Kaupunkien estetiikkaa (2013)”, Alue ja ympäristö 42, 2, 2, pp. 93–95. (Title in English: Book Review: Cities, Life and Aesthetics: Anne-Mari Forss ja Tarja Rannisto (eds.): Aesthetics of the Cities (2013))

C Books and edited volumes

  1. Mikkonen, J. & Lehtinen, S. (eds.) 2022. "Topical Issue on Environmental Aesthetics in the Era of Climate Change", Environmental Values, 31(1).
  2. Lehtinen, S. (ed.) 2020. "Special Volume on Urban Aesthetics", Contemporary Aesthetics, Special vol, 8.
  3. Lehtinen, S. (ed.) 2020. "Topical Issue Philosophy of the City", Open Philosophy, vol. 3.
  4. Kuisma, O., Lehtinen, S. & Mäcklin, H. (eds.) 2019. Paths from the Philosophy of Art to Everyday Aesthetics. Helsinki: Finnish Society for Aesthetics (232 pages).
  5. Lehtinen, S. 2015. Excursions into Everyday Spaces – Mapping Aesthetic Potentiality of Urban Environments through Preaesthetic Sensitivities (doctoral dissertation, monograph), Helsinki: University of Helsinki (232 pages).
  6. Mattila, S. (Translator), Procopé Ilmonen, S. (ed.), Johans, S. & Gäddnäs, K. 2007. Mariehamn: Åland Islands Art Museum. (70 pages).

D Publications intended for professional communities

  1. Lehtinen, S. 2019. "Varvara & Mar". Contemporary Identities: International Art Magazine 1(2) (3 pages).

  2. Lehtinen, S. 2019. "Viel Bjerkeset Andersen", Contemporary Identities: International Art Magazine, 1(2) (3 pages).

  3. Lehtinen, S. 2018. ”Pesästä lentäneen tutkijan ajatuksia työyhteisön merkityksestä”, Maj & Tor Nesslingin Ratkaisuja-blogi 11/2018. (Title in English: Researcher’s thoughts on the meaning of work community)

  4. Lehtinen, S. 2018. ”Tohtoriksi, entä sitten?”, HY:n Urapalvelut: Yliopiston ja työelämän rajapinnassa -blogi. (Title in English: Becoming Doctor, what next? Invited blog post in the University of Helsinki Career Services blog)

  5. Lehtinen, S. 2018. ”Ihmisyys-teemasta antroposeeniin: Mikä muuttuu taidekurssilla?”, Monialaisen ympäristö- ja kestävyyskasvatuksen tutkijaverkosto Sirenen blogi. (Title in English: From the theme of humanity to the anthropocene: What changes in an art course? Blog post in Interdisciplinary Network of Environmental and Sustainability Education Research SIRENE’s blog)

E Publications intended for the general public, linked to the applicant’s research

  1. Lehtinen, S. 2017. “Finland Is”, Totuus Suomesta / The Truth About Finland, eds. A. Jensen, E. Suvanto & A. Venäläinen. Pori: Porin kulttuurisäätö, 184–185 (2 pages).

  2. Lehtinen, S. 2016. ”Essee: Arki, koti ja kauneus”, Huili: Magazine for Sustainable Life 04/2016, 40–47 (8 pages). (Title in English: Essay: The Everyday, Home and Beauty)

G. Theses

  1. Lehtinen, S. 2015. Excursions into Everyday Spaces – Mapping Aesthetic Potentiality of Urban Environments through Preaesthetic Sensitivities (doctoral dissertation, monograph), Helsinki: University of Helsinki (232 pages).

  2. Mattila, S. 2007. Muistin merkitys Roland Barthesin Valoisassa huoneessa: Valokuvateoreettinen tulkinta Marcel Proustin muistitematiikasta (Master’s thesis, 81 pages), Helsinki: University of Helsinki. (Title in English: The Meaning of Memory in Roland Barthes’ Camera Lucida: Photography Theoretical Interpretation of Marcel Proust’s Memory Theme).